Volume-6 Issue-2 (July-December), Year 2024         |          

About Us

The Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society (APWSS) is an international body that can express regional views on all issues relating to weeds and their management. The Society is composed of Executive Members from National Weed and Plant Protection Societies that have weed management as a major focus. APWSS has affiliations with all major National Weed and Plant Protection Societies in the Asian-Pacific Region.

The Society promotes weed management, and its practitioners, through the promotion of research, education, and extension outreach activities related to weeds; provides science-based information to the public and policy makers.


    The Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society was founded in 1967. The Society was established to encourage and promote the development of knowledge concerning weeds and their impact on the environment in the Asian-Pacific region.

    The Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society, a non-profit professional society, promotes research, education, and extension outreach activities related to weeds; provides science-based information to the public and policy makers; and fosters awareness of weeds and their impacts on managed and natural ecosystems.

    The Society publishes a newsletter and cooperates in the publication of the professional journal: Weed Biology and Management. Monographs, reference materials, and other research or educational aides are also produced from time to time.

    The Society's biennial meeting is held at a different location each time in the Asian-Pacific Region. These meetings provide a venue for the exchange of research and educational ideas and for discussion and activity on Society business.

    The Society functions through the voluntary efforts of professionals who participate on an Executive Committee. Their time is given free to serve the membership. The Executive Committee function throughout the year and make reports at the Society’s biennial meeting.

    The business of the Society is guided by a set of society rules and is presided over by a Board of Office Bearers consisting of the Society President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President (President  Elect), and the immediate past President. The Board meets at the biennial conference.

    The Society provides a mechanism for recognizing scholarship in the Weed and Plant Science discipline in The Asian-Pacific Region. Members of the Society are encouraged to submit the names of colleagues who they believe set an example worthy to be followed and are deserving of recognition by the Society.

Objectives of APWSS

Under the APWSS set of society rules, the object of APWSS is to encourage and foster the study and promotion of weed science and technology in the Asian-Pacific region and in particular to:

  • Provide independent, representative leadership for weed management in the Asian-Pacific region, especially in the weed specific areas of science, policy, planning and operations;
  • Initiate and support regionally significant weed related activities to meet the interests of the APWSS society members;
  • Continue to support the APWSS Conference and provide other forums for information exchange, networking and debate;
  • Provide regional policy positions, promote weed awareness in the governments and the general communities of the region and provide a capacity to respond to regional weeds issues;
  • Support specific regional weed related publications.

APWSS officers

President: Dr. Xiangju LI
Department of Weed and Rodent Science,
Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
No 2 west Yuanming Yuan Road,
Haidian, Beijing 100193, CHINA
E-mail: xjli@ippcaas.cn
Secretary General (INTERIM) & Chief Editor: Dr. Nimal Chandrasena
Principal Ecologist, Nature Consulting,
1, Kawana Court, Bella Vista, NSW 2153, Australia
E-mail: nimal.chandrasena@gmail.com
Treasurer: Dr. Michael Renton
University of Western Australia, Australia
E-mail: michael.renton@uwa.edu.au
Chairperson, APWSS Advisory Council: Dr. Steve W. Adkins
Professor in Plant Physiology
School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, (SAFS) I Centre for Plant Science, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation|
The University of Queensland, St Lucia 4072 Brisbane, Australia
E-mail: s.adkins@uq.edu.au

APWSS Executive officers 2023

Australasian representative
Dr Michael Widderick
Agri-Science Queensland
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Leslie Research Facility, 13 Holberton Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350, Australia
E-mail: Michael.Widderick@daf.qld.gov.au
Bangladesh representative
Prof. Dr. Parimal Kanti Biswas
Professor Department of Agronomy
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University,
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
E-mail: parimalbiswas@hotmail.com
China representative
Professor Xiangju LI
Department of Weed and Rodent Science,
Institute of Plant Protection,
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
No 2 west Yuanming Yuan Road,
Haidian, Beijing 100193, CHINA
E-mail: xjli@ippcaas.cn
Indonesia representative
Prof Dr Nanik Sriyani
Professor of Weed Science,
University of Lampung, Indonesia
E-mail: nanik:naniksriyani@unila.ac.id
India representative
Dr J.S. Mishra
President, ISWS
Indian Society of Weed Science &
Principal Scientist,
ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research
Jabalpur -482 004, M.P., INDIA
Mobile No: 9494240904
E-mail: jsmishra31@gmail.com
Japan representatives
Prof. Masanori Morimoto
Kindai University, School of Agriculture, Department of Applied Chemistry 631-8505, 3327-204 Nakamachi Nara, Japan
Mobile No: +81-742-437162
E-mail: masanori@nara.kindai.ac.jp
Korea representative
Dr Do-Soon Kim
Professor, Lab. Crop Molecular Physiology & Weed Science,
Department of Plant Science, College of Agriculture
& Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Email: dosoonkim@snu.ac.kr
Malaysia representative
Dr. Abdul ShukorJuraimi
Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor Daral Ehsan, Malaysia E-mail:  ashukorjuraimi@gmail.com
New Zealand representative
Dr Mike Cripps
Team Leader,
Michael G. Cripps, Scientist,
AgResearch NZ; Field Service Centre, PO Box 84,
Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand.
E-mail: mike.cripps@agresearch.co.nz
Pakistan representative
Dr (Ms.) Saima Hashim
Associate Professor,
Department of Weed Science,
The University of Agriculture Peshawar,
Email: saima.hashim@gmail.com
Philippines representative
Associate Professor
Institute of Weed Science, Entomology and Plant Pathology
College of Agriculture and Food Science
U.P. Los Banos, College, Laguna 4031
E-mail: amramirez@up.edu.ph
Sri Lanka representative
Dr Swarna Herath
Head plant protection,
Rice Research and Development Institute,
Department of Agriculture,
IbbagamuwTaiwana, SRI LANKA
E-mail: swarnhernth@gmail.com
Taiwan representative
Dr. Chwan-Yang HONG
Department of Agricultural Chemistry
National Taiwan University, Taipei 106216, Taiwan, China
E-mail: cyhong@ntu.edu.tw
Thailand representatives
Dr Sombat Chinawong
Faculty of Agriculture Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10903 THAILAND E-mail: agrsbc@yahoo.com
USA representative
Dr Prasanta C Bhowmik
Professor at University of Massachusetts,
E-mail: pbhowmik@pssci.umass.edu
Vietnam representative
Dr. Ho Le Thi
Department of Weed Science
and Cropping System,
Cuulong Delta Rice Research Institute,
Omon Cantho
E-mail: thihl.clrri@mard.gov.vn
Iran representative
Dr M. H. Rashed Mohassel
Professor, Department of Agronomy
College of Agriculture,
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,
Mashhad, IRAN
E-mail: mhrashed@yahoo.com

APWSS Region Society Presidents

President, Council of Australasian Weed Societies
Dr Trevor James
Plant Protection
Ruakura Research Centre
Hamilton, NZ
E-mail: Trevor.james@agresearch.co.nz
President, Weed Science Society of Bangladesh
Prof. Dr. Parimal Kanti Biswas
Department of Agronomy
Department of Agronomy,
Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU),
E-mail: parimalbiswas@hotmail.com.
President, Weed Science Society of China
Professor Xiangju LI
Department of Weed and Rodent Science,
Institute of Plant Protection,
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
No 2 west Yuanming Yuan Road,
Haidian, Beijing 100193, CHINA
E-mail: xjli@ippcaas.cn
President, Weed Science Society of Indonesia
Denny Kurnradie
Faculty of Agriculture,
Pajajaran University,
Email: kurniadie@hotmail.com
President, Weed Science Society of Japan
Dr. Akira Koarai
Division Manager,
Division of Weed Control Research, Institute for Plant Protection, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, JAPAN
E-mail: koarai@affrc.go.jp
President, Korean Society of Weed Science
Prof. Sung-Moon Kim
Kangwon National University, Korea E-mail: perfume@kangwon.ac.kr
President, Malaysian Plant Protection Society
Dr Mohammad Roff
Malaysian Plant Protection Society
P.O Box 12351,
50774 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
E-mail: zali@mardi.my
President, New Zealand Plant Protection Society
Ms Karyn Froud
MAF Biosecurity NZ
P.O. Box 2095
Auckland 1015
E-mail: Karyn.froud@maf.govt.nz
President, Weed Science Society of Pakistan
Dr Khan Bahadar Marwat
NWFP Agriculture University
Peshawar, 25130
E-mail: kbmarwat@yahoo.com
President, Weed Science Society of the Philippines
Mr. Jomar P. Cruz

E-mail: melq@marjonelq.com
President, Plant Protection Society of Sri Lanka
Dr Buddhi Marambe
Faculty of Agriculture
University of Peradenya
E-mail: bmarambe@pdn.ac.lk
President, WSSROC
Dr. Chwan-Yang HONG
Department of Agricultural Chemistry
National Taiwan University, Taipei 106216, Taiwan, China
E-mail: cyhong@ntu.edu.tw
President, Weed Science Society of Thailand
Dr Sombat Chinawong
Faculty of Agriculture
Kasetsart University,
Bangkok 10903 THAILAND
E-mail: agrsbc@yahoo.com
President, Weed Science Society of Vietnam
Vietnam Weed Science Society
Prof. Nguyen Van Tuat
Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute,
Thanh Tri District,
Email: tuat2005@gmail.com
President, Weed Science Society of America
John Jachetta
  E-mail: jjjachetta@dow.com
President, Indian Society of Weed Science
Dr J.S. Mishra
President, ISWS
Indian Society of Weed Science &
Principal Scientist,
ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research
Jabalpur -482 004, M.P., INDIA

Mobile No: 9494240904
E-mail: jsmishra31@gmail.com
President, Iranian Society of Weed Science
Dr M. H. Rashed Mohassel
Crop Protection Research Inistitute,
Department of Weed Science,
Tehran, IRAN
E-mail: mhrashed@yahoo.com