ISWS Biennial Conference 28-30 November, 2024 at BHU, Varanasi, India         |           International Parthenium News (Nomber 18 2023)         |           Weeds-Journal of the APWSS Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2024


Six classes of membership of the Society:

Ordinary members: Any person interested in promoting the objectives of the Society may become a member, either by attending a Biennial Conference at which his or her membership is part of the Conference registration fee* or by applying in writing to the GeneralSecretary or Treasurer and paying the appropriate pro rata biennial subscription to the Treasurer. The current biennial subscription to become an ordinary member is US $25.
Life members: Any person interested in promoting the objectives of the Society may become a life member by applying in writing to the General Secretary or Treasurer and paying the appropriate subscription to the Treasurer. The current subscription is a one-off life time payment of US $150.
Sustaining members: Any proprietary or similar company interested in promoting the objectives of the Society may become a sustaining member, either by applying in writing to the General Secretary, obtaining approval from the Executive Committee, and paying the appropriate biennial subscription to the Treasurer. The current biennial subscription for being a sustaining member is US $200.
Honorary life members: Any ordinary member, who has, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, given outstanding service to the Society, may be elected as an honorary life member at any general meeting of the Society by simple majority of those present. An Honorary Member is not required to pay an Annual Subscription.
Student members: Any full or part-time student interested in promoting the objectives of the Society may become a member, either by attending a biennial Conference at which his or her membership is part of the Conference registration fee or by applying in writing to the General Secretary or Treasurer and paying the appropriate pro rata biennial subscription to the Treasurer. The current biennial student member subscription is US $15.
Affiliated Societies: National, state, regional or other societies with similar objectives may affiliate with the Society following application in writing to the Secretary, approval by the Executive Committee, and payment of the appropriate biennial subscription (if any) to the Treasurer. The current subscription is US $300 for large societies with more than 250 members and $100 for medium and/or small societies.

An ordinary member may resign from the Society by giving notice in writing to the Secretary, but there shall be no refund of any advance subscription already paid. A member who does not attend the next Conference of the Society shall be reminded in writing that their membership has lapsed and if no subscription is received within six months of the date of communication, their membership shall be deemed to have lapsed. Student memberships shall automatically lapse after 2 years unless renewed by the student member.

Sustaining and affiliate members may resign from membership by giving notice to the General Secretary, or Treasurer, but there shall be no refund of any advance subscription already paid.

Sustaining and affiliate members shall be advised of the current subscription by the Treasurer within 3 months of each conference; if the subscription is not received within six months of notification, their membership shall be deemed to have lapsed

Application form to filled for APWSS membership

List of APWSS members:


(NOTE: This Draft constitution was endorsed by the current Executive, which met prior to the General Meeting. This draft constitution was moved and an ‘interim’ acceptance was obtained by APWSS Membership, at this 2017 APWSS Conference held at Kyoto, Japan. APWSS has started implementing the proposed revisions. Full ratification, with any fine-tuning, is intended to occur in 2019, at the 27th APWSS conference to be held in Malaysia. Until 2019, your suggestions would be welcome to finalize the ‘Draft’ Constitution.
Thus the 'new' Constitution is in an 'interim' phase and will be adopted with or without any modifications at the APWSS General Meeting in 2019 at Malaysia).



1.1 The name of the Society shall be the Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society (Incorporated), with the acronym APWSS, hereafter called the Society.


    2.1 The objectives of the Society shall be to:

    1. Promote Weed Science, particularly in the Asian-Pacific region, by pooling and exchanging information on all aspects of weed management.
    2. Sponsor a biennialConference at which information is exchanged and technology transferred.
    3. Publish in journals the results of meritorious research and to publish other information of value to Weed Science, understanding of weeds and weed management technology.
    4. Promote high standards of education, research, extension, regulation, policy and other matters pertaining to Weed Science, particularly in the Asian-Pacific region countries.
    5. Liaise and cooperate with member Weed Science and/orPlant Protection and Management organizations, and othernational and international societies with similar interests to coordinate activities and promotecommon objectives.
    6. Work with other disciplines, administrators, and governmental agencies, topromote integration and adaptation of Weed Science and weed management technology for maximum benefit toefficient, sustainable agriculture, and management of natural resources, with protection of humans, wildlife,soil, water, crops, and the environment.
    7. Remain a scientific and educational organization without the objective offinancial gain.


    The official language of the Society shall be English.


    4.1 There shall be SIXclasses of membership of the Society

    Ordinary Members: Any person interested in promoting the objectives of the Society may become a member, either by attending a Biennial Conference at which his or her membership is part of the Conference registration fee* or by applying in writing to the GeneralSecretary or Treasurer and paying the appropriate pro rata biennial subscription to the Treasurer. The current biennial subscription to become an ordinary member is US $25.
    Life Members: Any person interested in promoting the objectives of the Society may become a life member by applying in writing to the General Secretary or Treasurer and paying the appropriate subscription to the Treasurer. The current subscription is a one-off life time payment of US $150.
    Sustaining Members Any proprietary or similar company interested in promoting the objectives of the Society may become a sustaining member, either by applying in writing to the General Secretary, obtaining approval from the Executive Committee, and paying the appropriate biennial subscription to the Treasurer. The current biennial subscription for being a sustaining member is US $200.
    Honorary Life Members: Any ordinary member, who has, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, given outstanding service to the Society, may be elected as an honorary life member at any general meeting of the Society by simple majority of those present. An Honorary Member is not required to pay an Annual Subscription.
    Student Members: Any full or part-time student interested in promoting the objectives of the Society may become a member, either by attending a biennial Conference at which his or her membership is part of the Conference registration fee or by applying in writing to the General Secretary or Treasurer and paying the appropriate pro rata biennial subscription to the Treasurer. The current biennial student member subscription is US $15.
    Affiliated Societies: National, state, regional or other societies with similar objectives may affiliate with the Society following application in writing to the Secretary, approval by the Executive Committee, and payment of the appropriate biennial subscription (if any) to the Treasurer. The current subscription is US $300 for large societies with more than 250 members and $100 for medium and/or small societies.

    4.2 The amount of the Conference registration fee that will be provided to APWSS by the Conference Organizing Committee as a membership fee shall depend on a number of factors, among which are the cost of living in the host country, the total conference fee, number of attendees attracted to the Conference and institutional and governmental support extended to organizers.

    4.3 As a guide, the fee for APWSS membership via the Conference registration shall be approximately 10% of the total Conference registration fees, collected by the Conference host country, which will be paid to the APWSS Treasurer at the end of each Conference.

    4.4 An ordinary member may resign from the Society by giving notice in writing to the Secretary, but there shall be no refund of any advance subscription already paid. A member who does not attend the next Conference of the Society shall be reminded in writing that their membership has lapsed and if no subscription is received within six months of the date of communication, their membership shall be deemed to have lapsed. Student memberships shall automatically lapse after 2 years unless renewed by the student member.

    4.5 Sustaining and affiliate members may resign from membership by giving notice to the General Secretary, or Treasurer, but there shall be no refund of any advance subscription already paid.

    4.6 Sustaining and affiliate members shall be advised of the current subscription by the Treasurer within 3 months of each conference; if the subscription is not received within six months of notification, their membership shall be deemed to have lapsed.


    The Roles of individual officers are detailed and described in the Appendix to this Constitution of the Society document. In summary:

    5.1 The Officers of the Society shall be:

    1. President, whose function will be to lead the Society and arrange the following biennial Conference. The President shall have a 2-year term, and after the biennial Conference, shall be replaced by the newly-elected Vice-President.
    2. Vice-President (newly-elected, host country President), whose function will be to arrange the succeeding Conference and undertake other activities as requested by the Executive Committee.
    3. General Secretary, whose function will be those normally associated with the position of a Society Secretary, including production of a membership list. The General Secretary shall be a continuing position, generally for two 2-year terms, or extended by another term (maximum of 6 years) by mutual agreement with the Executive Committee, ratified by the membership at a biennial, General Meeting.
    4. Treasurer, whose function will be those normally associated with the position of a Society Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be a continuing position for five 2-year terms (maximum of 10 years).
    5. Editor, whose role shall include producing the Society’s journal and newsletter, and keeping the official Web Site updated with data and information. The Editor shall be a continuing position generally for two 2-year terms, or extended by another term (maximum of 6 years) by mutual agreement with the Executive Committee, ratified by the membership at a biennial, General Meeting.


    5.2 The Officers of the Society for the succeeding 2 years shall be confirmed at the Executive Committee meeting held during each Conference and shall take up their duties immediately, or within3 months of the biennial General Meeting and Executive Committee meeting.

    5.3 The President shall relinquish his position immediately, or 3 months after the termination of the biennial General Meeting, following the confirmation of the new Executive Committee, at which time, the incoming officers will take up their duties.

    5.4 The Officers of the Society shall serve in an honorary capacity, but with the payment of nominal out-of-pocket expenses (except travelling) or for other extraordinary expenses approved by the Executive Committee (including travelling)

    5.5 No member of the Society or any person associated with a member shall participate in or materially influence any decision made by the Society in respect of the payment to or on behalf of that member or associated person of any income, benefit, or advantage whatsoever. Any such income shall be reasonable and relative to that which would be paid in an arms-length transaction (being the open market value).


    6.1 The Executive Committee (Executive Committee) shall consist of:
    1. The President
    2. Vice-President (President-Elect)
    3. General Secretary
    4. Treasurer
    5. Immediate Past President
    6. Editor
    7. Advisory Council
    8. A single representative officially appointed by each National Weed Society or similar body within the Asian-Pacific region to represent an affiliated society

    6.2 The Executive Committee shall have the normal powers of an Executive Committee of a Society provided that they do not conflict with the rules.

    6.3 These powers may be delegated to a sub-committee(s) consisting of one or more members of the Executive Committee with the power to appoint APWSS members who are not on the Executive Committee. Such sub-committees shall report to and may recommend to the Executive Committee, but shall have no executive authority. The Chairperson of each sub-committee shall attend Executive Committee meetings, but shall not have voting rights in that capacity.

    6.4 The Executive Committee shall meet at each Conference of the Society, at which time the quorum shall be at least three Officers plus 50% of the number of representatives from affiliated societies. Proxies may be accepted, provided they have been previously communicated to the General Secretary or any other Executive Committee Member.

    6.5 The Executive Committee shall provide active leadership to the membership and will control and manage the business and affairs of the APWSS. In this regard, the primary functions of the Executive Committee are to:

    1. (Act as the primary point of contact for the general membership of the APWSS, as well as with external entities with whom contact is necessary to carry out and manage the Society’s affairs.
    2. Give general rulings on weed management policy and determine complementary policy guidelines, within the general policy, philosophy and objectives of the APWSS.
    3. Make and authorize any public statements or submissions on important weed management and related issues, associated with and concerning the purpose of the APWSS.
    4. Seek cooperation withother principal global groups in developing joint position statements on the state of weed management and related issues of public interest on matters of weeds.
    5. Develop and activity program and implementation plan for each biennial period.
    6. Seek and Establish expert working groups and any commissions as deemed necessary to achieve broad vision of the APWSS under the provisions of these rules/constitution.
    7. Review, at every Executive Committee meeting, the performance of APWSS, its working groups and commissions and make necessary changes to achieve effective outcomes.
    8. Prepare and give approval to a biennial report for the membership.
    9. Consult regularly with the membership on all matters, particularly using the Website and e-mail correspondence.
    10. Admit new members and keep a list of present members.
    11. Select the next Conference Host Country by receiving and evaluating Proposals and Bids and announcing the winning entry.
    12. Appoint the Vice President (President-Elect) as an outcome of selecting the succeeding Conference.
    13. Review and amend the Constitution and Rules/By-Laws, if and when significant changes are required, following the guidelines embedded in the Constitution; and
    14. Establish and review fees and membership categories.

    6.6 The Executive Committee shall take interim decisions between Conferences by majority consensus achieved via e-mail correspondence, or other recorded forms of communications conducted by the General Secretary, but such decisions require ratification at the next full meeting of the Executive Committee.


    7.1 The Society’s Executive Committee shall be supported by a Senior Advisory Council, primarily to retain Organizational traditions, memory and continuity and undertake specific strategic actions to promote the Society’s vision and goals.

    7.2 The Senior Advisory Council will comprise of five senior APWSS Members who have been individually, active members for more than 25 years continuous.

    7.3 The Executive Committee shall have the authority to seek names of suitable and qualified personnel to be appointed to the Senior Advisory Council.

    7.4 Preferance shall be given to those who have held official positions within the Society, whilst fulfilling the Criterion in 7.2. However, this should not preclude the inclusion of other seniors.

    7.5 The appointed Senior Advisory Council Members shall serve in that capacity continuing for five 2-year terms (maximum of 10 years).

    7.6 The five members of the Senior Advisory Council shall elect a Chairperson by mutual agreement. The Chairperson shall co-ordinate the roles and activities that the Council shall participate in, as well as maintain regular contact with the Presidet and General Secretary of the APWSS.

    7.7 The five members of the Senior Advisory Council shall participate at the biennial Executive Committee meetings or any other meetings and have full voting rights on any matter for which a consensus is sought by the Executive Committee.

    7.8 The primary functions of the Senior Advisory Council are to:

    1. Act as the overall custodian of organizational memory, and provide leadership in maintaining traditions and continuity. This would include, where necessary, providing guidance and advice to the Executive Committee on all matters related to the Society.
    2. Participate, and/or undertake, by mutual agreement, in any activity that supports the objectives of the Society.
    3. Provide leadership and drive forward agreed strategic actions that will consolidate APWSS’s global position. This would include international liaison andengagement with other Societies on any matter related to Weed Science.
    4. Undertake and lead any strategic action aimed at promoting the achievement of the Society’s goals and objectives across the Asian-Pacific region and other regions. This would include assisting other countries, particularly affiliated societies in promoting effective weed management through training courses, workshops, special symposia, or by the production of publications and undertaking special commissions.
    5. Regularly receive and evaluate information on APWSS activities from the Executive Committee and provide feedback for any improvements if required.
    6. Undertake tasks assigned by the Executive Committee, particularly with respect of identifying individuals whose services are to be recognized (i.e. Special Recognition Awards; Life-time Achievement awards; see Article 10.3 (2) below).


    8.1 An Ordinary Meeting of the Society shall be held during each biennial Conference at a time and place convenient to the members of the Society, chosen by the Executive Committee.

    8.2 The President will preside and will introduce the Officers and Executive Committee, report on the activities and decisions of the Executive Committee, and seek ratification by the members. The Secretary will report on the previous 2 year's activities and seek ratification by the members. The Treasurer will present an audited statement of income and expenditure and seek approval from the members.

    8.3 The President will conduct other business as required or as requested by members in writing to the Secretary prior to the meeting, and introduce the Vice-Presidentas President-elect. The quorum for a biennial general meeting shall be at least half the Officers of the Society, at least half of the ordinary members of the Executive Committee and thirty other members of the Society.

    8.4 A Special General Meeting may be held at any time by resolution of the ExecutiveCommittee or on receipt by the General Secretary of a resolution signed by at least 20 financial members and specifying the purpose for which the meeting is to be called. At least 3 weeks' written notice shall be given by the General Secretary to all financial members of the time, place and purpose of such meeting.


    9.1 When Special Events and Meetings, such as APWSS anniversary events occur, these shall be deemed APWSS Special Events and organized under the leadership of the Executive Committee, in consultation with the Senior Advisory Council.

    9.2 The President, in consultation with the Executive Committee and the Senior Advisory Council, may appoint individuals or a sub-committee to plan, lead and conduct such activities of the Society, keeping within the APWSS Rules/Constitution.

    9.3 The Local Conference Organizing Committees at the time of a particular event, such as an anniversary, shall seek and receive advice and guidance from the President,Executive Committeeand the Senior Advisory Council, as to the conduct of the proceedings of the said event.


    10.1 Under this Clause, the President and Executive Committee, in consultation with the Senior Advisory Council, has the authority, with majority consensus, to appoint any other sub-committee, expert working group, focus group or special commission, such as deemed necessary, which will support achieving the Society’s broader vision, objectives and any specific goal.

    10.2 The President and Executive Committee, in consultation with the Senior Advisory Council, shall decide the specific subject and functions of the sub-committee, commission or expert working group and when they shall report back to the Executive Committee.

    10.3 The President and Executive Committee, in consultation with the Senior Advisory Council, shall also decide the membership or make-up of the sub-committee, commission or working group; its roles and responsibilities and shall clearly set out the terms of reference of the sub-committee, commission or expert working group at the time of their formation.

    10.4 The Chair of each focus group or sub-committee will work with the Executive Committee in defining the goals and objectives of the Committee to support the achievement of those goals and overall intent of the Society. Changes to Committee composition and function will be approved by the Executive Committee.

    10.5 In relation to Clauses 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4, in consultation with the Senior Advisory Council, the Executive Committee may undertake:

    1. Periodic review, or development of APWSS policies, Constitution or Rules of Operation.
    2. The preparation of discussion paper(s) on any matter that falls within the Society’s objectives.
    3. The examination of or review of any Weed Science or weed management technical matter.
    4. The coordination, editing or preparation of any APWSS publication.
    5. The analysis, reviewing or reporting of any other matter determined by the Executive Committee.

    10.6 A sub-committee, commission or expert working group appointed by the Executive Committee shall have the right to call upon any other subject expert from within the APWSS community or outside to provide information or evidence to assist the sub-committee, commission or expert working group in fulfilling its work to the highest quality that is required.

    10.7 The Standing Committees of the Society shall be:

    1. Finance Sub-Committee – Chaired by Treasurer, this sub-committee with comprise of the President, General Secretary and the Senior Advisory Council; specific tasks will be to review the financial position of the Society on a regular basis, seeks ways to improve it by obtaining appropriate sponsorship, endowments, donations and the like.
    2. Nominations and Awards Sub-Committee – Chaired by the President, this sub-committee will comprise of the General Secretary, the Senior Advisory Council, immediate Past President and others appointed by the Executive Committee. Specific tasks will be to receive nominations and determine criteria for the following:
      1. Special Recognition Awards
      2. Lifetime Achievement Awards
      3. Student Awards
    3. Publishing and Editorial Sub-Committee – Chaired by the Editor, this sub-committee will comprise of the General Secretary, and four other members appointed by the Executive Committee; specific tasks will be to obtain and publish in a dedicated journal, scientifically-valid, useful and relevant information for Membership within the broader context of the Society’s goals and objectives.


    11.1 In accordance with the fulfillment of the purposes of the APWSS, in consultation with the Senior Advisory Council, the Executive Committee shall prepare and/or authorize and promote a range of Weed Science publications.

    11.2 The Executive Committee,in consultation with the Senior Advisory Council, shall decide the type, style and format of any publication(s), which may include, but not limited to:

    1. An officialAPWSS Journal on Weed Science, appropriately titled, to fulfil the objectives of the Society, which maybe an ‘on-line’ journal, printed journal or both.
    2. Newsletter, produced biennially, with relevant information for the membership of matters related to Weed Science, including updated news of interest from member countries, forthcoming conferences, special items of interest, etc.
    3. Books, monographs, review papers and peer-reviewed research, which contribute towards improving weed management and related issues, particularly in the Asian-Pacific region.
    4. Weed management and related policies that would be beneficial to member countries to adopt.
    5. Guidelines for developing policy for sustainable and integrated weed management, within the context of ecologically sustainable land use and natural resource management, particularly the role of national, state and local government, and guidelines for translating policy into action.
    6. Guidelines for the development of National Weed Strategies and relevant legislation.
    7. Other educationalmaterial and training manuals on Weed Science.

    11.3 The Executive Committee, in consultation with the Senior Advisory Council, shall have the authority to fully or partially support other Weed Science-related publications arising from members, affiliated societies, academic institutions or government agencies of the region.

    11.4 The Executive Committee, in consultation with the Senior Advisory Council, shall have the authority to have any such material peer-reviewed by appropriate experts, prior to publication under the name of APWSS, and be responsible for the views they represent.

    11.5 If the views expressed in any submission, seeking approval for publication under the APWSS banner, do not represent the general consensus of APWSS, the Executive Committee shall apply caution and introduce appropriate disclaimers, so as to mitigate controversies or reputational damage to the Society.

    11.6 This Clause should not prevent the Executive Committee from encouraging APWSS members to engage in scientifically-valid, professionaland moderate discourses on any topic of relevance and emerging challenges in Weed Science.


    12.1 Only financial ordinary and honorary members are entitled to vote at a biennial or special general meeting. Each such member shall be entitled to one vote on each motion.

    12.2 Voting shall be on the voices and/or by show of hands at the discretion of the President.

    12.3 The General Secretary shall normally be the returning officer. A simple majority of those present will be sufficient to carry any motion except when otherwise stated.

    12.4 In the event of a tied ballot the President shall have a casting vote.


    13.1 Any or all of the rules of the Society may be altered, rescinded or added to at any biennial general meeting or by majority consensus achieved through e-mail correspondence and other forms of documented correspondence, overseen by the Executive Committee or a sub-committee appointed by the Executive Committee for that specific purpose.

    13.2 Any alteration to the rules requires ratification at a biennial general meeting, with at least three months of notice given in writing (or communicated via the website) to financial members.

    13.3 Alteration to the rules will require at least 50% of the members present at the meeting, or responding to any e-mail correspondence supporting the proposed changes.

    13.4 No addition to or alteration or rescission of the Rules shall be approved if it affects Article 5 (Officers of the Society), or Article 15 (Winding up of the Society).


    14.1 All funds of the Society shall be paid to the Treasurer, who shall bank them in one or more accounts held solely in the name of the Society.

    14.2 The Society's bank accounts) shall be operated by the Treasurer, General Secretary and President with at least two signatories to each cheque, of which one shall be the Treasurer.

    14.3 The Society's reserves shall be kept in US dollars and a working account may be kept in another Asian-Pacific currency.

    14.4 The Treasurer shall keep up to date details of the Society's financial affairs and make them available within four weeks of the General Meeting to members of the Executive Committee, or at any other,upon request by the President or General Secretary.

    14.5 The Treasurer shall be involved in fund raising, from appropriate donors, who shall include government agencies, industry, charitable or not-for-profit organizations and private donors. The Treasurer, in consultation with the Executive Committee and the Senior Advisory Council, shall accept donations, on the basis that their intent will be transparent and in line with the objectives and goals of the Society.


    15.1 Endowment funds may be accepted at any time by the Treasurer and Executive Committee, subject to the provisions of the Constitution with respect of the vision, objectives and specific goals.

    15.2 The donor may designate use for specific purposes with such designation subject to the approval of the Executive Committee and Senior Advisory Council.

    15.3 The principal of the endowment funds should be kept productively invested with only the interest income therefrom being available for any nominated current expenditures.

    15.4 The Executive Committee, advised by the Senior Advisory Council, shall have full authority to use such as income in the way it seems fit at any Conference. Such uses may include, but not limited to general Student Awards, or a Specific Award to recognize excellence in a designated field of research within Weed Science.


    16.1 The Societyshall havethe power to borrow andlend fundsfor purposes supporting its objectives, provided prior agreement has been receivedfrom a simple majority ofthe Executive Committee.

    16.2 The Treasurer will determine the appropriateness of the specific need to borrow any funds, obtain approval from the Executive Committee and the Senior Advisory Council, document the need and take the action needed, including the plan to repay any borrowed funds, over time.


    17.1 The Society can onlybewound up by a two thirdsmajority of members at a General Meeting, or through e-mail responses received and collated by the incumbent Executive Committee as evidence of agreement for such an intent.

    17.2 If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the organization, there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among members of the Organisation, but shall be given or transferred to some other charitable Organisation or body having objects similar to the objects of the first Organisation, or for some other charitable purpose.

    17.3 Notwithstanding the above, if a different course of action is considered appropriate by the President and Executive Committee to wind up the Society and distribute its remaining assets, they shall seek a decision by a simple majority of the members at a biennial general meeting.


    The President is the Chief Executive Officer and representative of the Society and is responsible for its successful operation and management. These responsibilities include:

    1. Communication with members of the Executive Committee, regional, corporate and affiliated Society representatives with respect to the operation and activities of the Society.
    2. Monitoring of the Constitution, the Statutes and Rules of the Society, and the duties of the officers and representatives of the Society, and updating these as necessary in collaboration with the Executive Committee.
    3. Providing guidance to the Executive Committee and representatives with respect to the development of new initiatives to extend the influence and impact of the Society.
    4. Promotion of the Society to all interested parties, including other Societies and groups with interests in the Society.
    5. Representation of the Society at appropriate forums.
    6. Actively seek to promote the Society extending its international affiliations and seek funding and other support for Societal activities.
    7. Determining the agenda for the Annual General Meetings with General Secretary, and acting as Chair at such meetings.
    8. Submission of an Annual Report on the activities of the Society with General Secretary.
    9. Chair the Meeting committee and be the liaison between local organizers (and Scientific Program Committee, and Editorial Committee) of the biennial meetings and the Executive.

    The Vice President (President-Elect) will:

    1. Assist the President with respect to the above responsibilities, and deputize to represent the President when necessary.
    2. Solicit and receive proposals by interested countries and societies to hold the suceeding biennial Conference after the next event.
    3. Assist the President in any or all of the activities (listed under President) to promote the Society and its activities.
    4. Assist the General Secretary in any or all of the activities (listed under General Secretary) to promote the Society and its activities.
    5. Undertake and lead the planning for the next Conference, seeking advice from the Executive Committee and ensuring the Executive Committee is kept updated with details of the forthcoming Conference.
    6. Advance to the office of President when that office is vacated.

    The General Secretary shall be:

    1. Rresponsible for the recording and distribution of the minutes of any meetings and the keeping of the records, including APWSS membership.
    2. The General Secretary shall also be responsible for assisting the President conduct the general business of the APWSS, its correspondence, the coordination of meetings and conferences and the publication of newsletters and other material published by the APWSS.
    3. Maintain a current list of members, and communicate with the Membership on the operations of the Society and the activities of the Executive Committee.
    4. Maintain and update the Society Web site, sharing this responsibility with the Editor.
    5. Communicate to the Membership the agenda of the AGM; Take the minutes of the AGM and communicate these subsequently to the Membership.
    6. At the appropriate times, solicit nominations for vacant positions on the Executive Committee and convey these to the Membership. Arrange, distribute and count ballots when required.
    7. Chair the Communications and Publications Committee and distribute the Society Newsletter biannually to all Members.
    8. Update information and advertising materials produced by the Society.
    9. In collaboration with the Treasurer, update and distribute a Membership Directory on a biannual basis, and remind members of any overdue payments of membership fees.
    10. Liase with the Vice President regularly and provide advice on the organizing of the next Conference.
    11. Maintain a list of the Executive Committee members and Regional, Corporate representatives and representatives from Affiliate Societies, with respect to their appointment and termination dates.
    12. Actively seek to promote the Society extending its international affiliations and seek funding and other support for Societal activities.
    13. Take a leadership role in organizing all APWSS Special Events, such as anniversary events to celebrate landmarks, or any other as deemed by the Executive Committee.

    The Society’s Treasurer shall:

    1. Be responsible for the finances of the Society and for preparing a binnual report on these for the Executive and for the AGM.
    2. Advise the Executive on any changes necessary in the operation of the finances to the benefit of the Society.
    3. Receive all subscriptions for membership from the Members at large, provide receipts for subscription, and in collaboration with the Secretary remind members who are delinquent in their payment.
    4. Provide a biannual report at the AGM to the Executive on the paid membership in the form of a list of Members, with addresses and email contact. Provide a list of lapsed Members for follow-up by Regional Representatives.
    5. In collaboration with the General Secretary, update and distribute a Membership Directory on an annual basis.
    6. Chair the Finance sub-committee.
    7. Make payments from Society funds as are authorised by the Executive Committee.

    (5) EDITOR
    The Editor of the Society will be appointed by the Executive Committee, and will serve for a period of 2 years, renewable normally for up to two further terms, subject to mutual agreement. The Editor will:

    1. Function as an Executive Committee Member.
    2. Function as the Chairperson of the Publishing and Editorial Sub-Committee.
    3. Provide leadership in the formation of policy matters related to the Society’s publications, or those co-sponsored by the Society in achieving its goals and objectives.
    4. Be responsible for setting up, management and maintaining of the Society’s Journal; this will include advising the Executive Committee on matters related to setting up of the Editoarial Board.
    5. Be responsible for the management of contents and production of the quarterlyAPWSS Newsletter.
    6. Assist the General Secretary to distribute the Newsletter to all members of the Society via the Society email and postal list (and on the web site).
    7. Ensure that all Newsletters will be archived on the Society Web site.
    8. Coordinate and maintain the Society Website with edited, responsible content, with approval from the Executive Committee.
    9. Assist the President and General Secretary on matters of communications and publications with regard to the members and/or any sub-committees.

    The five members of the Senior Advisory Council shall elect a Chairperson by mutual agreement. The Chairperson shall co-ordinate the roles and activities that the Senior Advisory Council shall participate in, as well as maintain regular contact with the Presidet and General Secretary of the APWSS.
    The primary functions of the Senior Advisory Council are to:

    1. Act as the overall custodian of organizational memory, and provide leadership in maintaining traditions and continuity. This would include, where necessary, providing guidance and advice to the Executive Committee on all matters related to the Society.
    2. Participate, and/or undertake, by mutual agreement, in any activity that supports the objectives of the Society.
    3. Provide leadership and drive forward agreed strategic actions that will consolidate APWSS’s global position. This would include international liaison and engagement with other Societies on any matter related to Weed Science.
    4. Undertake and lead any strategic action aimed at promoting the achievement of the Society’s goals and objectives across the Asian-Pacific region and other regions. This would include assisting other countries, particularly affiliated societies in promoting effective weed management through training courses, workshops, special symposia, or by the production of publications and undertaking special commissions.
    5. Regularly receive and evaluate information on APWSS activities from the Executive Committee and provide feedback for any improvements if required.
    6. Undertake tasks assigned by the Executive Committee, particularly with respect of identifying individuals whose services are to be recognized (i.e. Special Recognition Awards; Life-time Achievement awards).
    7. Participate at the biennial Executive Committee meetings or any other meetings, as deemed necessary to support the achievement of Societal objectives and goals.
    The five members of the Senior Advisory Council shall have full voting rights on any matter for which a majority consensus is sought by the Executive Committee.

    The Country and/or Regional Representatives will be appointed as ‘ex-offcio’ members by the President, in consultation with the Executive Committee. The representatives will be the official nominees from Society Members in all of the affiliated countries.Such Country Representatives may serve a maximum of three 2-year terms (maximum 6 years).

    These Representatives will:

    1. Promote the Society in their country to all interested parties, and actively recruit members into the Society.
    2. Promote regional meetings of the Society that bring Members together to present their research, particularly as a forum for students and research fellows.
    3. Communicate information about the Society and its activities to Members in their region, and encourage them to attend Society Meetings.
    4. Communicate activities in their region to the Editor of the Newsletter so that these may be included in the Society Newsletter.
    5. Where possible and appropriate, coordinate the payment of memberships to the Society to reduce banking charges when local currency is converted to Australian dollars
    6. Provide feed back to the Executive Committee of actions that will encourage and facilitate the participation of local members in the Society.
    7. Take action to nominate the next suitable Country Representative as they approach the maximum 6-year term, or if they wish to have a replacement by their own choice
    8. When requested by the Executive Committee, these Representatives shall be available to participate as ex-officio members of any sub-committees of the Society.