Weeds – Journal of the Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society
Volume |
Issue |
Publication year |
Page No |
Type of article |
1 |
1 |
2019 |
23-29 |
Perspective |
Broadening the APWSS Horizon in the AsianPacific Region
Kil-Ung Kim
Kyungpook National University (KNU), Daegu, South Korea
Agriculture, Weed Science, Asian-Pacific region
The major challenge facing the Asian-Pacific Weed Scientists and land managers in the region is to develop
the most effective and sustainable weed management approaches for all systems, including agriculture and
natural land systems. Whatever weed management approach we develop must be sustainable, in both the
short- and long-term and acceptable as safe for the community, wildlife, and the natural environment. Given
my previous involvements with the APWSS, in this inaugural issue of the APWSS Journal, I wish to reflect
upon how the Society may assist all member countries, particularly, those which are yet to be affiliated to the
Society. We are challenged by the rapidly increasing human population in our region, food scarcity, some new
weed problems, a changing climate and special issues, such as the development of herbicide resistance, as
a result of overuse of herbicides and unsustainable farming practices. What options do we have to meet these
challenges? I propose that APWSS must expand its involvement across the region, and to do so, requires a
renewed effort to obtain funding from donors for more training, seminars, and conferences on weeds. As our
founders expected, we must also develop a programme to assist various governments and agencies of
different countries in identifying national needs on weed-related matters and solutions