Weeds – Journal of the Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society
Volume |
Issue |
Publication year |
Page No |
Type of article |
1 |
2 |
2019 |
13-20 |
Perspective |
Sustainable Agriculture and Environment - An Ethical
Robert L. Zimdahl
Professor Emeritus, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA 80524
Agriculture, ethics, philosophy, production, values, Weed Science
Agriculture is the largest, most important interaction between humans and the environment. It is an essential
human activity. Humans, the Earth's dominant species. Usually, know what we are doing, but we often do not
know what we may be undoing. This paper will briefly address some of agriculture's major problems:
sustainability, land, production, water, antibiotics, genetic modification, and technology. It asks two questions:
How do you know what to do in agriculture and life? How do you know what you choose to do the right thing
to do?